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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Music in Michigan

There is nothing I enjoy more than camping out for a weekend, heading out for a night, or dropping by for a day at one of Michigan's many summer festivals.  I have always been looking for a site that has it all, or most of it anyway, when it comes to dates, times and websites for all the festivals and I think I have finally found it. is your yearly Michigan festival guide.  It has all the festivals arranged by month and date and includes websites if they are available where you can get updated festival info.

I have only sampled a few of our great state's summer festivals but have never been let down.  Some standouts include Islandfest in Kalamazoo and Wheatland Music Festival in Remus, MI.  Have fun this summer and feel free to let me know what festivals you are going to!

1 comment:

  1. This is wicked and way RAD!

    we should hit up some of these festivals...just an idea...go for a day and maybe camp at night...did you see the music workshop can get up on stage and perform man.


How rad is this?