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Friday, January 9, 2009

40oz koozy dream is dead

As you know, as early as October 2008, I had come up with the idea for an koozy for 40oz malt beverages.  Not only would they keep your Colt 45 cold to the last drop they would also allow you to express your unique personality.  

Well the word is out folks, someone has beat me to the punch.  The 40oz koozy is now available at .  Now you too can be the center of attention at your next Edward 40 Hands party with these rad accessories!  They are pretty reasonably priced as well with the average koozie going for about $7.  I have not ordered my own...yet. 

It seems that there are others out there that appreciate entrepreneurial awesomeness.


  1. I tried, twice, to comment but cannot because it erases each time I try to type my name in the "comment as" box. What IS a U.R.L. anyway?

  2. I think it is the URL for your blog or website.


How rad is this?